From The Desk Of:
Sam Markowitz
President And Founder
The Sam Markowitz Group
Dear Friend,
If you’re here you are likely a CEO, entrepreneur or successful business owner
interested to:
Grow Your Business, Fast.
Out-Do Your Competitors.
Dominate Your Industry.
This is precisely what we specialize in.
Certainly, we are not God. There is no one in the world that can guarantee to perform miracles and wonders for every single business every time, no matter what they say.
However, what I can say is we are amongst the best in the world at what we do. And,
we are a results-based group, concentrating on attaining maximum results for our
Please also understand we do not (and cannot) accept most people as clients. We’re a boutique group, servicing mostly loyal, long-term, repeating clientele. We have a waitlist for new clients, varying by service, some up to 6-12 months, with a qualification process.
The paramount purpose of this letter is to provide relevant information to those
seeking it. I chose to write you a short letter here, rather than having a ‘typical corporate
website’, because a letter is more personal. And, I can better explain to you exactly who
we are… what we do… how we do it... and why we’re so successful at doing it. I hope it
answers your main questions.
So, the best place to begin is with…
Who I Am, And Why I Formed
The Sam Markowitz Group…
I was born and grew up in New York City. I come from a lineage of entrepreneurs,
and I knew from a young age that I desired to go into business. After exploring many
businesses, I discovered I have a love and talent specifically for business growth itself.
So, I decided to make business growth my business.
I got my big start growing businesses working with a man named Gary Halbert, one
of the greatest direct response marketers and ad men to ever live. This is an important
point because while many call me a ‘Wealth Wizard’ or ‘Marketing Genius’, I argue it
was Gary who was truly a genius. He just transferred his lifetime of wisdom over to me.
When Gary passed away, I went out on my own, and began achieving great success
for my clients. Before I turned thirty I was creating marketing campaigns producing tens
of millions of dollars, and already hit the milestone of making a client over 100 million
dollars. I then thought, “Wow, how fortunate am I to know what I know, to do what I
do.” And it was then that I began thinking, “what if I can find others like me to join me?”
That is what led me to create The Sam Markowitz Group. I made it a goal of mine to form the greatest ‘brain trust’ in the world, charged with fulfilling the following mission: To help our clients grow their businesses, out-do their competitors, and dominate their industries.
So that is what I did. Fast-forward to today, and let me share with you…
5 Reasons We Know More Effective Ways To
Increase Your Customers, Sales And Profits
Than Practically Anyone Else. Period.
Here they are:
Top Talent: Our group is composed of a unique mix of the most gifted and effective
Business Strategists, Growth Strategists, Marketing Strategists, Performance Enhancers,
Opportunity Finders, and Direct Response Marketers and Advertising Men in the world.
Expansive Experience: We’ve consulted and worked in over 180 industries, so we
have a great breadth of experience. And most importantly, we’re consultants and doers.
We create complete marketing and sales campaigns our clients need to consistently add
millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of extra dollars to their bottom line.
Keen Knowledge: We invest heavily to keep up-to-date on all ways to grow business.
We continuously monitor and study thousands of companies, analyzing what is proven
to work most effectively to least effectively within each industry and across industries.
Real Results: We’re ‘direct response zealots’, meaning everything we do is accountable,
measurable, and results based. That’s why I specifically said above that we know more effective ways to increase customers, sales and profits than practically anyone else. We
deal in the realm of proven effective, time-tested, tried & true business growth solutions.
Obsessive Overachievers: We don’t just go for results. We’re obsessed about getting
the best results. And we’re burning the midnight oil to gain every advantage to do so.
Here Is A Walk-Through Of
Our 5 Main Ways
That We Grow Businesses:
1) Marketing Consulting For Massive Growth And Industry Domination
The first most important requirement for success is the best comprehensive strategy
and plan to achieve it.
Our clients typically come to us wanting to dominate their industry, or they already
do and want to remain dominant. To do so, your marketing must be superior to your competitors in every way. We specialize in marketing strategy and planning to achieve massive growth and industry domination.
This includes:
- Clarity on all your goals and laying out the most effective plan to achieve them all
- How to exponentially increase your customers, sales and profits, at rapid speeds
- Getting maximum results and ROI out of everything that’s done in your business
- How to out-smart, out-do and out-sell your competitors in every way possible
- Providing you the ‘big ideas’ and ‘breakthroughs’ needed for industry domination
2) New Customer Acquisition Campaigns For Record Growth And Profits
After you have the best plan, the next most important part of your business is the
ability to generate all the customers you want and need.
And, it’s wise to do so via as many advertising mediums and other mediums as
possible, in order to achieve long-term stability, growth, and industry dominance.
Mediums Can Include: Internet, Direct Mail, TV, Radio, Magazines, Newspapers,
Trade Publications, Sales Forces, Telemarketing, Retail Displays, and much more.
Our direct response marketing team specializes in creating high-converting and
record-breaking customer acquisition campaigns. We find that for every 9 in 10
businesses we examine, we’re confidently able to increase the ROI of the current
campaigns that are being run, resulting in more customers, sales and profits.
3) Customer Monetization For Increasing Your Lifetime Customer Value
After you acquire a customer, you next job is to then maximize the lifetime customer value.
There are a lot of ways to do this. Here are a few broad and general categories:
A) Increase their future repeat purchases of the same item they originally bought
from you. B) Increase their purchases of other products and services from you. C) Refer them to other beneficial products and services from other companies for which you get
paid for doing so. D) Create referral programs so your customers refer new customers.
E) Increase the customer loyalty rate and reduce refund, cancellation, & attrition rates.
There are more categories, but those are some of the bigger ones that most tactics fall into.
We specialize in knowing all specific ways to increase the lifetime customer value.
There is an ocean of opportunity here for all businesses. We maximize what our clients
currently do, identify new monetization avenues, and build sophisticated multi-media
relationship marketing programs that consist of communicating with your customers
via email, direct mail, and phone. The goals of the highest-performing programs are
actually three-fold: Relationship building, value building, and maximum monetization.
4) Online Marketing And Conversion Rate Optimization For Fast Growth
Online marketing particularly is an expanding medium of opportunity. And, we’ve nurtured specialization in its #1 most important area: Conversation Rate Optimization.
Conversion rate optimization is the ‘secret sauce’ to success online. It can be applied
to all aspects of your online campaigns, allowing you to improve them day-after-day,
continuously increasing your customers, sales and profits. Done right, you can use it to
out-convert your competitors. And when you do that, you can afford to buy out more
media than your competitors, make more profits, and dominate your industry online.
And here’s how our team do it: We optimize everything for maximum compounding results.
For the customer acquisition campaigns, we optimize the entire marketing funnel
from the creative’s (banner ads, PPC ads, emails, etc), to the landing pages, checkout
pages, up-sell paths, all the way through to the thank you page.
Then, we optimize the Customer Relationship Marketing Program for maximum lifetime customer value. This includes the overall strategy and plan for the 12-month promotional calendar, and optimization of its components – the campaigns, product launches, email marketing, etc.
Because you can split test so quickly online, this activity allows you to grow rapidly.
5) Uncovering Hidden Opportunities In Your Business For Further Growth
Finally, every business has hidden opportunities that lie idle because they aren’t seen.
This is natural, as it’s very difficult to see every possibility, everything you can be
What this means is there is a lot of money lying on the table in your business that is
not being cashed in the bank. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot.
We analyze your whole business, from top down, in detail, to find every overlooked
and hidden opportunity your business has so you can pick up all that money and put it
in the
bank. Some opportunities add small pockets of growth. Others can multiply your
There are both internal opportunities, as well as external opportunities. We find
them for you, show them to you, and help you monetize them all.
This is a very big, expansive area. To sum up what we do here, as a client eloquently
put it – we find them “the hidden acres of diamonds in their backyard.”
That, In Summary, Is What Our Group Does.
And, If There’s One Principle Unifying All
That We Do, It’s: We Help Companies Be #1.
Listen. Come closer. This is important. Jim Collins wrote the book Good Is The
Enemy Of Great. I always felt it’s worth buying the book for the sole purpose of placing
it by your desk so the title would stare at you every day, even if you never read the book.
“Good is the enemy of great” has been my credo for many years. That is, until, I later
updated my credo. And it’s this new credo that I built The Sam Markowitz Group on.
Let me explain:
The business world gets more competitive every day. Things get more complex and
change quicker every day. New competitors come out of the blue, putting long-standing
companies out of business faster than they can blink their eyes. It’s no longer good
enough to be great. No. Not only is good the enemy of great, but great is the enemy of
excellent. And excellent is the enemy of extraordinary. And, extraordinary is the enemy
of #1. This, my friend, is the new credo.
In today’s world you have to work harder than ever before to beat your competitors.
You can’t be one step ahead anymore. You can very quickly lose your footing that way.
You need to be 100 steps ahead. And you need to be adding more steps every day. You
need to maximize every activity you are doing. You need to get the 100% most out of all
you do. And you need to keep accruing every new competitive advantage you can get.
This is the credo we live by. Our raison d’être. Extraordinary is the enemy of #1. It is
this credo that unifies all our services. Everything we do is to help you become, and remain, #1.
What exactly does it take to be #1? I often tell people you need to be #1 in three key areas: You need to be #1 in innovation. You need to be #1 in management. And you need to be #1 in business growth and marketing, which is the forté we dedicate our lives to.
Okay. So that, in essence, is a summary of who we are, what we do, and how we do it.
For Anyone Who’d Like To Contact Our Office,
Below Are The Instructions To Do So. But First
Please Understand The Following 3 Things…
#1: As I mentioned earlier, we are a boutique group, predominantly servicing a V.I.P. group of loyal, long-term, repeating clientele. For this reason, understand we may not be able to accept new clients at this time. We have limited new client openings yearly. We have a waitlist, varying by service, some up to 6-12 months, with a qualification process. We tell most people not to hire us unless we determine we are the best fit for each other.
#2: Further, understand we are amongst the top 1% highest paid groups of our kind. Our clients cheerfully pay us big fees and royalties in order to make multiples more in return, to get record ROI, growth, and profits, and to dominate and lead their industries.
That’s why many of our clients rate us as their #1 important business relationship.
#3: We truly love to grow businesses. It’s our life, our passion, our obsession. When
we take on a client, we treat their business as it is our own. Therefore, we work with the top, most serious of CEO’s, entrepreneurs and business owners who want to grow their business, out-do their competitors, and dominate their industry, in every way possible.
With all that now explained, here is how to contact us:
In order to help ensure only serious inquiries, the first step to contacting us is by fax. We have prepared for you a quick 1-page form, with instructions, to fill out for this.
Click here to download your “Introductory Fax To The Sam Markowitz Group” form.
Print the form, fill it out, and introduce yourself to us, letting us know who you are,
what you do, what your business is, and what exactly it is you are looking for and need.
Fax the completed form together with your correspondence to us at 212-960-3620.
That’s it. Please allow us about 5-7 business days to be able to get back to you.
Well, that about wraps up this letter to you.
One final thing…
To Conclude, I’d Like To Leave With You
This Beneficial Short Article Today…
Recently, I gave a talk at The Pierre Hotel in New York City after which I thought the main message of that talk is so important for the overall business world to hear, that I decided to quickly condense the big takeaway into a short article.
If you already do the 5 things I address in this article, then kudos to you. The majority of businesses however either don’t do them all, or don’t maximize them all for full value.
That’s why I felt compelled to write this article and make it readily accessible here to everyone who’d like to read it. The article summarizes one of my group’s key guiding principles, and it’s just a quick few minute read.
You can read it now by clicking here:
How A Business Can Experience Quantum Growth
By Making Itself Marketing-Centric.
My best wishes to you,

Sam Markowitz |
P.S. Again, if you’d like to contact us, you can do so by downloading and faxing this form.
P.P.S. Here you can read my article on how to make your business marketing-centric.
P.P.P.S. If you are another business growth consultancy, ad agency or marketing agency,
and you’re looking for our direct response advertising & marketing trainings, click here.
© 2014. The Sam Markowitz Group. All Rights Reserved.